Life in Lyme Light – Shedding light on Lyme Disease. Awareness Campaign and Online Support Community. Share your story of invisible illness and create your butterfly at
Volunteers are given the questions: “How has Lyme disease affected your life?” and “What inspires you?”. Select stories are chosen to highlight the diversity and severity of Lyme disease in hopes of spreading awareness and creating a support system for those that already have it, to know you are not alone.
6/2015 — Design Observer and Blurb Inc., Thesis Book Project
4/2017 — ProHealth, “What do you wish others knew about Lyme Disease?”
3/2019 — JGFF Foundation Inc. & Frankly Cupid Interview
4/2019 — Tick Boot Camp Podcast Episode 8, “A Graphic Designer Curator of the Lyme Experience”
6/2020 — Lotus Wellness Navigation, “Wellness Wednesday with Brit” Interview
Full stories are shared on the WCAG 2.1 AA compliant website, making it accessible, user-friendly and obtainable worldwide — view here.
Social media is used to spread awareness and connect those for support. Excerpts from stories, inspiration, discussions and new articles are shared. @lifeinlymelight
The awareness symbol for Lyme Disease is a lime green butterfly, embodying freedom. The purpose of this project is to get those who have been affected by Lyme, back to freedom. A blank butterfly outline is provided to encourage anyone to fill the wings with what inspires them as an expression for creativity and identity.
Moodboard & ideation sketches:
Branding kit:
Butterfly templates provided as a creative outlet to represent you, your story or what inspires you:
The first 150 stories shared:
Story book featured in Blurb books and The Design Observer Group:
Merchandise launched for May, awareness month, a way to connect and spread awareness since the Covid pandemic began — click here to shop.
Initial social media response after the project launched and throughout the years since:
This thesis project began as an inspiration from a dear friend who has the disease. This is dedicated to him.
Instagram Feed